Blog Time

World Laughter Day sign with bird
World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day

Sunday 5th May 2024 is World Laughter Day - an annual event on the first Sunday in May - it's not "just" laughter as in a giggle that is celebrated. Deep and hearty belly laughter is often simulated initially. Simulated laughter becomes genuine within 3-5 minutes,...

Heart in hands
Compassionate Communication

Compassionate Communication

Compassionate Communication for the Relationship Win, 366 days of the year.   Awareness Days Love them or hate them, “awareness” days help us to bring conscious focus to a specific topic. This then allows us to think more deeply about this topic, and perhaps look...

Go beyond your comfort zone
Beyond your Comfort Zone

Beyond your Comfort Zone

How to go from your Comfort Zone to Growth Zone   As humans, we are creatures of habit. We tend to stick to what we know and what feels comfortable.  The thought of stepping outside of our comfort zones can feel awkward, and intimidating, and become sceptical...

Woman holding head in hands with yellow to do post it notes in background
Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

Being aware of our stress levels is incredibly important.  The older we get the more we are susceptible to its effects on us. The observance of Stress Awareness Month every April started in 1992 to increase the knowledge about the causes and how to decrease stress...

How to prevent quiet quitting
How to prevent Quiet Quitting

How to prevent Quiet Quitting

How to prevent quiet quitting Are you aware of the phrase quiet quitting? I used to be a disengaged, unmotivated, miserable team member. Honestly, I practiced quiet quitting back in 2002 – in an admin job which diminished my soul faster than ice melting in hot...

The Comedian vs Laughter Yoga
The Comedian vs Laughter Yoga

The Comedian vs Laughter Yoga

Comedians have their place.. there's often a work "joker" - they're fabulous in-house comedians. Or there's Peter Kay... Were you in the LOOOONG queue for Peter Kay tickets? Honestly, I clicked to see how long I would have to wait - when the number 426,574 flashed...

Grief and Laughter
Grief and Laughter

Grief and Laughter

IS IT POSSIBLE TO COMBINE GRIEF AND LAUGHTER? Let's chat about grief firstly… When my stepdad passed away there was a huge empty void but I was also looking after my tiny then 6 week old daughter. I'm a great believer of a life ending and a new life beginning. It’s...

photos of different aged carers with loved ones
Why Carers have a Good Laugh

Why Carers have a Good Laugh

Since 2016 carers groups have come to me asking for Laughter Yoga sessions. At first, even I was a bit sceptical whether they would be able to laugh openly, knowing their circumstances. But you know what? People who struggle most, like unpaid carers, benefit the...

smiling young girl showing strong arms sat on shoulder of smiling mum
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

We're now in May - Mental Health Awareness Month It's about time I shared the extent of my mental health journey.  It will never end for me, it's about mental strength nowadays. I wasn't always happy - still dip several times a month even now.  What I do know is...

3 women laughing
The Yoga in Laughter Yoga

The Yoga in Laughter Yoga

People ask me this all the time. In fact, people ask me this so often that my answer is very straightforward. The only yoga in Laughter Yoga is the deep Pranayma breathing after we have taken part in a laughter exercise. If we didn’t use deep breathing, we would...

sad face pen drawing
Blue Monday or Monday Blues?

Blue Monday or Monday Blues?

As you'll probably be very aware, Blue Monday was devised by a UK travel company to sell more holidays. Of course holidays are really beneficial to us when we have low mood! However there's real evidence that after Christmas, with little to look forward to we do...

Woman's face with glasses on laughing
Smile for Your Selfie

Smile for Your Selfie

The Selfie has a healthy side to it... You know I had a profound thought the other day – Since selfies came out, most people do pretend smiles for them don’t they? Yes, this is faking a smile.  Faking a smile creates feel-good chemicals inside you. Do it for long...

Two fingers with happy faces and red heart drawn on them
Love Everyone

Love Everyone

What is love anyway?  Does anybody love anybody anyway? So the Howard Jones' song goes. We love our friends, relatives and partners in all different ways. Each deserving our loving attention.  We can really feel we're being pulled in all directions.  So what's...