The benefits of Laughter Yoga in the workplace are cumulative


Laughter Yoga is great as a one-off session to give a big positive boost to corporate teams and communities.

But why do businesses now need to focus on the compounded and cumulative effects that Laughter Yoga can offer?


Laughter Yoga offers great benefits to your employees’ mental health and wellness. It’s no wonder it has become increasingly popular among workplaces in the UK to boost happiness, productivity, and team building.

The aftereffects of a Laughter session wear off as work and life take over.  Let’s find out why more than a one-off workshop benefits the workplace.

Staff retention

With quick, uplifting results, happy chemicals (serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins) increase employee morale. Happier teams mean employees are less likely to quit their jobs because they are more engaged. That’s a great relief, as higher staff turnover doesn’t help the morale of those who stay or their productivity consistency. Regular Laughter Yoga sessions provide a steady dose of morale-boosting in the workplace.

Fewer sickness benefits

Laughter provides great stress relief, which is important considering that stress causes 75-90% of illnesses, diseases and mental health struggles. Fewer sickness absences benefit businesses by putting less pressure on colleagues to cover more than their role and leave you with fewer sickness benefits to pay out.

Furthermore, Laughter Yoga can improve overall health in the workplace. Laughter has been shown to improve immune function, reduce pain, and lower blood pressure. By incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday, your employees can improve their health and well-being.


Additionally, when employees are stressed, their productivity can decrease, and they lose attention. However, laughter has been shown to reduce stress levels, which can ultimately increase productivity. Incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday makes employees feel more relaxed and focused.

Team building

Laughter Yoga can promote team building in the workplace. Laughter is a universal language, and there are no judgements or comparisons with laughter – everyone is doing the same activity together. Your employees would bond over a shared, uplifting experience they can reflect on, ultimately leading to a stronger team dynamic.


Would you like your employees to communicate more understandingly? Laughter Yoga can improve employee communication, breaking down barriers and promoting open communication. Employees feel more connected to their colleagues and their work environment.

Innovative ideas

Laughter Yoga can improve creativity in the workplace by providing extra oxygen to the brain and less stress. Incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday allows employees to become more creative, think of innovative ideas, and be inspired.

More energy

Laughter Yoga provides a relaxed state of mind – activating the rest and digest, the parasympathetic nervous system – promoting deeper sleep, more energy and better decision-making. During a one-hour Laughter Yoga session, deep relaxation is offered (Yoga Nidra), which helps combat burnout and fatigue and reminds the body to go into deep delta wave sleep.

An employee perk

The instant “brain” holiday is an employee perk that provides a break from the busyness of the outside world and technology. Your employees enter the safe Laughter Yoga space to have fun, play, let go of stress, and bring in happiness. This gives the logical brain a rest from thinking, planning, and doing. What a superb benefit this is for employee retention.

Work-life balance

Laughter Yoga can improve work-life balance. When stressed, employees may struggle to balance their work and personal lives. However, as laughter reduces stress levels, this promotes a sense of balance by reducing stress levels. Incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday makes employees feel more balanced and fulfilled.

Customer service

Customer service in the workplace improves with regular Laughter Yoga sessions. When your employees are happy and relaxed, they are more likely to provide excellent customer service. By incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday, your employees can feel more confident and capable.

Caring Company

Laughter Yoga can improve company culture in the workplace. By promoting happiness, productivity, team building, communication, creativity, health, morale, work-life balance, and customer service, Laughter Yoga can ultimately improve a business’ overall culture to be more caring.


In conclusion, Laughter Yoga has cumulative benefits for happiness, productivity, and team building in the workplace. Incorporating Laughter Yoga into the workday makes employees feel happier, more productive, and more connected to their colleagues.

Ultimately, regular (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly) Laughter Yoga sessions can improve your company’s overall culture, leading to a more successful and fulfilling work environment.

For more information about Laughter Yoga sessions in the workplace or ice-breakers at conferences
Please email Sara at

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